Reporters, editors, and local media rely on press releases as a source for news. Your press release is a written report that helps media services tell your story! And, it's a great way to work with media professionals to build publicity for your products, service, and new business's opening.
Press Release Essential Elements
Provide Information
Tell everyone about your business and your vision, but also be practical. Are you a service business, tell everyone about your service options. Do you sell products? Talk about a few of your most anticipated or highest performing products. Are you a restaurant? What will be your signature dishes. Don't forget to include logistics like your address, store hours, URL, phone, email, etc.
Invite Prospective Customers
Tease the Experience
Anatomy of a Press Release
Catchy headline
Release date and byline
Details about the new store
Company website URL
Opening date/time
Normal hours of operation
History and vision of the brand
Overview of products/services
Relevant image: company logo, store building, products, owner, manager, CEO, manager (recommended)
Quote from involved parties (CEO, owner, manager, buyer/seller) and/or member of the community or existing/target customer
Sale, incentives, activities, and information about the grand opening event and experience
Contact information (contact person, store address, phone, URL, social media handles)
Reaching Members of the Media
Most media services want you to help them with content, so they often publishing contact information. Search local newspaper and online new service websites for contact information of the relevant person or desk. Once you send your press release, don't be afraid to follow up with a a phone call to confirm receipt and offer access so that a reporter can ask you questions. Help them make your story their story about you!